GCAS Review Press

GCAS Review Press is a project that joins the existing GCAS publications and seeks to publish new and bold books. The purpose of GCAS Review Press is to publish texts that push the boundaries of academia, explore difficult areas and problems, and present unique ideas and styles of writing. We want publications that are experimental and radical, not complacent and traditional, and that open new paths, not follow the familiar. 

If you want to publish with us:

The first step is to send your book idea to [email protected]. Upon receiving it, our team will discuss whether the idea aligns with the priorities of GCAS Review Press. If the decision is made to proceed with the idea, we will write to you requesting a copy of the manuscript. Once read (which may take a couple of months, depending on the number of submissions), we will decide whether to proceed with the editorial process before potential publication. The editorial process includes reviewing the manuscript and making suggestions, comments, and edits to the text (if needed). These will be discussed with the author, who should rework the text. Once ready, it will be reviewed again. This process will be extended until the book reaches its best possible version.


We are a small publisher, so our capacity is limited and our pace is slow.

As a publishing house, we do not want to adopt the neoliberal business model, so the profits from book sales will be shared collectively among all the authors we publish. The total profits will be divided by the number of books, and that amount will be divided by the number of authors per book. So, if you publish with us, all authors will earn in relation to the collective, not individually. The sale does not determine the value or the work of a book, and we believe that a model of common solidarity helps to generate better books.