Journal Submission Guidelines
Curious About Whether Your Topic is the Right Fit?
You are welcome to reach out to our editorial team with an abstract (+/- 300 words) in reference to any of our current Call for Papers before submitting an article.
Our response will indicate whether the abstract sounds appropriate for the upcoming edition or perhaps for a future edition. NOTE: Our response is not an indication that it will be accepted, only that we believe that it sounds appropriate for a particular issue.
Send all inquires to [email protected]
Ready to Submit?
Pre-Submission: Manuscript Guidelines
Review the Call for Papers.
Submissions should be a maximum of 12,000 words, including references and endnotes. Please eliminate all personally identifiable references to facilitate a blind peer review.
On a separate title page, please include an abstract (+/- 300 words), and 5 keywords, and contact details.
Please note that reviewers will be asked to evaluate your submission in terms of 1) its relevance to the issue’s theme; 2) novelty and significance of argument; 3) quality of prose; 4) contribution to and engagement with relevant scholarship, and 5) whether it speaks to The GCAS Review’s trans/interdisciplinary audience.
We DO NOT accept submissions that previously appeared in print or those being reviewed elsewhere for another publication.
We encourage authors to engage with and cite sources historically excluded from the academy or those whose work, however fresh and regardless of the other scholar’s background, would add value to the manuscript being submitted. Where appropriate, authors should engage with the work of scholars based in the countries about which they are writing, but remember the world is a wide place with many ideas from many places.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Please use one space only after each sentence. Leave one-inch margins on all four sides of the page. Turn off automatic hyphenation and do not justify text; ragged right margins are preferable throughout. Use minimal formatting aside from the appropriate type and amount of headings necessary to structure the submission.
Manuscripts should be prepared according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., note style.
Block quotes (usually quoted material five lines or more in length, sans quotation marks) should also be double-spaced but indented a half-inch, with an extra line above and below.
Verify all statistics, quotations, notations, versions of proper names, and transliterations. Run your word processor’s spell-checking program before you submit a manuscript.
The GCAS Review uses endnote citations. Notes should be numbered sequentially. Use superscript Arabic numerals in the text (no parenthesis, boldface, etc.). The numbers should follow the passages referred to; if the passage is a block quotation, the reference number should come at the end of the quotation, not after the author’s name or at the end of the textual matter introducing the quotation. The notes themselves must be double-spaced and formatted as endnotes, not footnotes. Please avoid mid-sentence citations; condense if necessary, doing so in a clean and organized manner.
Permission is needed to reprint extensive blocks of text, poetry (a complete poem or ten or more lines), charts and graphs (if used in the same format as the source; the information itself needs only proper attribution, no permission), and photographs and illustrations. Please obtain written permission for each illustration, as well as previously published material that is not in the public domain (we do not dictate the format through which you make the request, only that you do). Permission should be for print and online use with a verifiable email or letter that The GCAS Review editors can refer to when verifying usage permissions. Copies of all permission letters must be submitted along with the final manuscript. If permission is still outstanding for any material, please note the material for which permission remains pending, as well as its source and status.
Before you move on to submit we recommend you proofread and edit your manuscript. We recommend submitting your manuscript to an editorial service if there are any concerns with the appropriate use of language within the submission. The choice of using an editorial service is up to you and at your own expense.
Please submit a complete set of files for your article to [email protected], including manuscript, title page, tables, figures, and a full list of captions included in your submission.
Use the following Headline in your email: GCAS Review Journal Submission - (Put Your Last Name In Parenthesis). This helps us sort journal submissions from magazine submissions.
Hit Send…
Don’t wait for the muse of perfection to come down from Olympus.
Just send it our way.
We’ve seen good, bad, great, and everything in between.
We WANT to read your stuff!
if you don’t hit send, the world will never know what you’re thinking.
So, you’ve sent us your stuff, now what? First, we’re going to distribute it to some peer reviewers. Know that we will work to find the appropriate peer-reviewer in the appropriate field to provide feedback on your manuscript. No, we will not give your article about Slavoj Žižek’s perception of the inevitable reality of disdain in the cinema based on a Lacanian foundation, to a tenured mathematics professor and pretend that’s the an appropriate reviewer. We have a network of academic partners on whom we rely for peer reviewer, so please know that your manuscript will be given the appropriate consideration by the appropriate expert.
Wait. It stinks; it’s not fun; no one wants to. To be fair, even as the editors we don’t want to wait. But, alas, we must in order to ensure we have a wonderful journal that people will want to continue reading. If you feel like you’ve waited too long, though, please feel free to reach out. We will do our absolute best to respond. We recommend giving us at least two weeks following any submission so that we have time to read and reflect on your submission and to discuss whether The GCAS Review is the best home for your ideas.
If we think your submission needs a more appropriate home, we will be in contact via email and let you know. We do our best to never leave anyone hanging.
If we accept your submission is accepted, it will be accepted in one of two way: Fully Accepted or Accepted with Changes.
You will work with the editors to ensure the appropriate changes are populated. Editorial changes include grammatical and content, which will be different for every submission.
Once our collaboration is complete, the article will be formatted and a mock-up provided for you to approve.
The quarterly edition comes out with your article in it!
You may also consider the possibility of compiling a special edition of The GCAS Review between our publication cycles. If you are interested in Guest Editing a Special Edition, please have the following items ready to submit:
The theme and overall topic (i.e. Ontology and Love)
A potential list of the titles of the articles, poems, videos, pictures,
Consolidated list of potential and confirmed contributors
The potential length of the issue/ style of the issue (i.e., online-only or print and online)
Qualified peer reviewers (and their contact information)…This also includes alternative forms of media for peer review.
Once the information is compiled, just paste it into the form below and we will take a look. We are open to more interpretive forms of publications in our Special Editions.
Examples of what we would consider for a Special Edition include one or a combination of the following: scholarly writing, poetry, art, photography, and mini-documentary films.